Contact Us

The Tree Stump Removal Company

We have been Stump Grinding since 2006 and are extremely experienced in what we do.

Deep tree stump grinding

With our high standard of work and professional approach to Health & Safety, Herts Stump Grinding has had the privilege to work alongside some very experienced companies.

These include some of the largest tree surgery companies in the UK as well as many smaller independent tree surgeons, local landscape companies and local authorities.

Request a quote

  • Our pricing is very competitive
  • We provide a free estimate which can often be given over the telephone
  • All quotations are without obligation

Before you call, and to help us gain a better understanding of the size of the stump, it would be useful if you could measure the stump following the guide below.

Tree stump measuring guide

Stump details

  • Number of stumps to remove
  • Type of tree (before being cut)
  • Height of stumps
  • Widest diameter of tree stump including any visible surface root (see Picture) in inches


  • Front or back of property?
  • Are there any gates/gate widths?
  • Any slope/Steps/corners?


  • Is the stump on or near banks/slopes/walls/fences?

For more information on how we can help you please email us or complete our contact form.

Alternatively please call on Tel: 01763 448095 or Mobile 07599 549363.

Get in touch...

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Contact Number:

Area of interest:

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